Error Makes Clever Academy🏫

Training| Tech News| Freshers Guide

Empowering young developers to level up their skills through training in software development technologies💻

Are you ready to kickstart your career in web development? Look no further! In this comprehensive YouTube video, we've got you covered with everything you need to know about HTML – the backbone of web design. Whether you're a beginner or just looking to refresh your skills, our video is tailored to guide you through two essential sections for building a strong foundation.

Section 1: Event Web Page Project Get hands-on experience as we dive into creating an event web page project. We'll demystify the fundamental HTML tags that every developer should know, including:

Section 2: HTML Forms and Tables Taking your skills up a notch, we delve into the world of HTML forms and tables. These are essential tools for creating interactive and structured web content. You'll learn about:

Lets devide HTML into 3 parts

Technologies used for html developnment

Front endBackendDatabase
HtmlJavaMongo DB
Java scriptNode JsTws

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